Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Movie Review: Adventureland (2009)

So I recently watched 'Adventureland'. Pretty interesting movie. I was curious about the pretty actress who played the female lead role (Em): Kristen Stewart. Turns out she is in the Twilight movies. Look at that! The Twighlight (I think there are severeal) are the biggest thing for (mostly) female teenagers nowadays and I failed to know the female lead in those movies. Gives me kind of a feeling of being a little old..

Anyways, I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. Didn't like the ending too much though. SPOILER: I disliked how James did not seem to have any perspective other than just being with Em. I think he should prioritize his life on school instead of a girl.

My overall rating: 7/10. Has an nice oldschool (70s/80s-Style) feel and look to it, is funny and also melodramatic.

IMDb: Adventureland


  1. Good movie. Nice review. Supporting this.

  2. Personally, this movie made my dick hurt in a gay way, but you're a cool guy, eh, writes movie reviews and doesn't afraid of anything.

  3. Beautiful! I am going to go watch it, at least rent it sometime within the next couple of days!

  4. So-so movie in my opinion. But I wasn't really invested in it to begin with. I should probably rewatch it.

  5. Didn't ever heard about this one. Thanks for sharing!

  6. awesome blog of awesomeness. i cant wait to read the next one!

  7. Nice job on the review, can't wait for more!

  8. I'm thinking about seeing this one soon. Thanks for the post.

  9. I also Enjoyed Adventureland, reminded me of a John Hughes flick. I was actually interested in the characters.

  10. this blog is as awesome as you say

  11. You may have encouraged me to finally watch this movie! :D Nice job!

  12. Oh Yeah i love reviews, specially from other people...forget critics! haha
