Saturday, September 18, 2010

Movie Review: Apocalypse Now (1979)

Although being far too young for having seen this movie when it first came out, I had the chance to see it on the big screen a couple weeks back. My local cinema sometimes plays old classics, that's pretty nice.

'Apocalypse Now' is certainly one of the most impressive movies to see in a cinema. The agony and pain soldiers have to go through in war is portrayed both as horrifying and as somewhat appealing (to a certain degree). I guess it does not make much sense to summarize the story. Just go watch it if you haven't seen it. You probably will look at war in general in a totally different way. Plus you will NEVER listen do The Doors 'The End' without remembering the ending of the movie after you have seen it.

My overall rating:   9 / 10
Most impressive war movie ever made.

IMDb: Apocalypse Now